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Letting Your Emotions Lead the Way in Politics

A few weeks ago I realized that I was having an issue with the "other" political party -- it was a definite heart issue. I was feeling angry with the party and their agenda that I believe was going to take America to a place that it has never been and it is not going to be a good place. As far as individuals, family, friends, etc. I did not have anger towards them, but may...

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Be Angry and Do Not Sin

In Scripture we are told to "be angry and yet do not sin" (Eph. 4:26 NASB). In another place in the New Testament we also read that "the kindness of God leads you to repentance." (Romans 2:4 NASB). Anger is sometimes allowable, but it often can lead us into a wrong spirit and, consequently, wrong actions. An angry spirit should never be allowed to rule us. This is especia...

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Advent Reflection: The Hairs On Our Heads

"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledge me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God." - ‭‭Luke‬ ‭12:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬ I was just reading psalm 40 using a great app called "through the word," and the teaching pastor, Sa...

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Exodus Reading Plan

BIBLE READING TIPS Many of us struggle to read our Bibles consistently. If that's you, try this: Pick a time each day that works best Whether it's early morning, your lunch break, or just before bed, choosing a regular time will help you develop the habit of reading Scripture. Find a place where you can quiet your mind Wheth...

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Relief for Haiti

Dear Metro District Family, As of the writing of this communication, the death toll in Haiti hovers around 2000. However, predictions are that the true number could end up being around 10,000 to somewhere near 100,000. This is not sensationalistic. This is the reality that Haiti is facing.After meeting with several of our...

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Praying for Haiti and Afghanistan

As our church has been praying and fasting for what is happening in Haiti and Afghanistan, and as I have been reading over different resources, it seems like the need in both countries can be distilled down to the following four categories: Physical Protection and Physical Provision The people of Afghanistan need both, as do the people of Haiti. Both are facing ...

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Thoughts From The 44-Day Building Fund Fast

Below is a compilation of thoughts words of encouragement from people who have fasted already during our 44-Day Fast For Building Funds. To find out more about this fast or to join in, click here. ------ Justin Garden: Fasting is not so much about not eating but more so about "feasting on God" He must become greater; I must become less." John 3:30 NIV When tempted,...

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An Empower Testimony from Pam Francis

It's hard to know where to begin whenI think about how Empower has impacted me over these past few months...because there is so much! About a year ago, even a little before that, I felt God tugging at my heart to lead me in a new direction. I was retired at that point so I had a little more flexibility in my schedule and I just had a desire to learn and grow and serve God...

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An Empower Testimony Allyn McCarthy

Throughout Scripture we see that God answers the prayers of His people. Sometimes He says yes. An example of this is when He granted Solomon with the wisdom he was praying for to rule his kingdom (1Kings 3:9). Sometimes the answer is a definitive no, like when God said no to David's plan to build a temple (2 Samuel 7). Sometimes God wants us to wait. He may definitively te...

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Remember Saint Patrick

The below is an excerpt taken from a longer post on --- Saint Paddy's Day is for the pagans. You might say it that way, and then carefully wash your Christian hands of all the carousing and empty revelry that makes all things Irish into an excuse for a godless spring party. But you might say the same thing, and mean it not as a call to circle the wago...

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