Archives for April 2019

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Beyond Words

Many Christians have written of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The number of words devoted to this event is likely only surpassed by the many accounts of His death. In a sense this seems unfortunate. It is not that his Passion is to be trivialized. The story of the cross is the story of the ages and it is certainly true that without Good Friday there would be no Easter....

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3 Small Tips for a Healthy Marriage

Like any and every marriage, Kat and mine is far from perfect. We have only been together as husband and wife for nine years (in June) so we are not "veterans." That said, we have found a few disciplines, both specifically "spiritual" and less so, that have been part of the glue that keeps us together in what I think we both consider to be a good marriage. Three in particu...

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Too Much Information

I had to laugh when Pastor Chris advised us last Sunday to "pray for the mind of Christ and then Google." (Italics mine). A couple of months ago I was dealing with a health issue and he asked how I was doing. I said fine, but indicated I wanted to check out a couple of my symptoms on a Google search. His response was something to the effect of "oh, man, are you sure you...

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Through the Looking Glass

the following was taken from Serrene's blog at Immovable Rock. In the sequel to Alice in wonderland, Alice looked at a mirror and wondered what was on the other side of her reflection. Alice enters another world through that mirror, and in this world everything is in reverse. Alice noticed that there was a rule that governed this world that seemed contrary to logic, l...

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