Archives for April 2018

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No Comparison

Comparison. Defined as "the act of looking at things to see how they are similar or different". Our society is obsessed with it. And I really believe this is one of Satan's greatest tools in keeping us, as believers, focused on ourselves and completely defeated. Comparison can be a good thing. We often compare two or more different things to decide which is best.. like wh...

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Empower Testimony

To my Sisters, Last September I began a journey that I admit had it moments! Nancy Miszczenski and I began a journey together and enrolled in Empower. Empower is a 9 month program of classes at Nyack College. There is a class about conflict, Old Testament, New Testament, Spiritual Gifts, prayer and so many more really great subjects. I never once walked out of a class...

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Doubting Thomas Moments

It was the evening of the third day after Jesus' death. That morning, two of the disciples saw the empty tomb, and Mary told them she saw Jesus and he was alive. Due to this, the disciples met together behind locked doors in fear of the Jews. And suddenly, Jesus appeared in their midst. He showed them the wounds in his hands and side. One of the disciples, Thomas, wasn't t...

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