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My Book Reviews For 2024

A few years ago, I had the idea to share the books I've read during the year. I didn't do it right away. Then someone suggested I share books I recommend. I didn't do that right away, either. I finally gave it a go last year and wrote up My Book Reviews For 2023. I was pleasantly surprised by the feedback from people. The following are books I've read this past year. A...

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My Book Reviews for 2023

A few years ago, I had the idea to share the books I've read during the year. I didn't do it. A couple years ago someone suggested I share books I'm reading. I didn't do that, either. This year the idea came back, so I'm gonna' do it. The following are books I've read this year. All kinds. You may or may not be interested in them. You may or may not like them the same wa...

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Seven Prayers For Our Christmas Missions Offering

This Sunday we are taking our special Christmas offering. It's the only time of year we take a second offering and seek to give beyond what we give to the general fund (this year would be an exception to that rule, since we did a massive building fund-raiser). Zero dollars of this offering goes to True Life Church, its ministries, its equipment, its staff, its admin...

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If Jesus Rose, Then He's Always Working, And Then We Can Always Give Thanks

Let me state up front that I don't believe one has to be a Christian to feel thankful or to give thanks (in fact, I know non-Christians who are far more grateful in their general disposition than are certain grumpy Christians I've met). But I do want to make the argument that Jesus-followers should be more thankful when we consider what our faith is based on: the resurrec...

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Final Appeals On Election Day

I just voted. And I hope the people I voted for win. As most people in True Life know, I have never felt a release from God to endorse a candidate or party as the pastor from the platform. But as a Christian, as a member of True Life, and as a member of society - I am willing to explain to anyone my thought process for why I voted the way I did (as I have already). Howe...

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Benefits of a Building and Questions Asked About Fundraiser

Today is the last day of our 90-day prayer fasting campaign. As we prepare to take an offering for a new building tomorrow, we want to pause and ask why we are doing this in the first place. Why do we believe God is leading us to have a more permanent space? What are the benefits? Here is short video highlighting the following five values: ...

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God Was Active on Silent Saturday

Last night was our Good Friday Service. We reflected on the crucifixion and death of Jesus and left off with the ceturion declaring Jesus to be the Son of God in Matthew 27:54. Today has been called Silent Saturday because Jesus was slient as he lay in the tomb. Little is known about what happened between the time he died Friday afternoon and when he rose Sunday morning,...

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The Lesson of the Worm: The Surprising Meaning of “Tola”

Psalm 22 is extensively quoted by and lived out by Jesus while he is dying on the cross. Jesus specifically quotes some words from the Psalm, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me". Some elements of Psalm 22 are fulfilled during his crucifixion, such as the Messiah's garments being divided, and his executioners casting dice for a share of his clothing. There is one phr...

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Serving From Confidence

John 13:1-17 In the final few days before Jesus' crucifixion, John 13 talks about a meeting with his disciples for Passover meal. At the meal there has been no servant present to wash their feet as was the custom, since their feet would get very dirty just walking in sandals in everyday life. The disciples who had previously had discussions about who is the greatest am...

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Come to Him, Weary One

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭28‬-‭30‬ ‭ I was talking to a Jewish person recently who was sharing how tired he was of the commands t...

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