Lent- Giving Up Something to TAKE UP Something


I’m relatively new to this “Lent and fasting thing”. I grew up in a very fundamentalist Baptist church. I heard a couple of my friends talk about “Lent” and giving up meat on Friday nights. But I really had no idea what it was or why they were giving up meat.

I learned a bit more about it over time. At college I became friends with people from many different Christian traditions, and I began to understand the meaning behind people giving up meat - since Jesus sacrificed his flesh for us on that Friday night he died, one would “sacrifice” or fast from eating flesh meat in His honor.

Fast forward to more recent days… Since being at True Life, I’ve learned so much more about fasting and the really incredible ways God can move in us, speak to us, and draw near to us when we give up food for a meal or a day or two. I’ve personally experienced it. For me, it’s incredible how intensely I feel my need for Him and His presence, and how the Holy Spirit ministers to me. And then out of that, how my heart sort of aligns with His and my heart longs for and breaks for what His does, in a more intense way. 

That got me thinking- why? What for? What’s next? Why does He want my heart to become more like his? Why does he want my desires and longings to become His desires and longings? 

I believe when we fast and give up something in order to recognize our need for Him more, and our need for our hearts to become more like His, He then wants us to TAKE up something.

Isaiah 58:6- “This is the kind of fasting I want: Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you. Let the oppressed go free, and remove the chains that bind people…

In giving up something, He wants us to TAKE UP something. Peace (shalom), justice, mercy. I give up food, He draws my heart to His, and then my heart is primed to TAKE UP His peace and justice and mercy.

Sounds big. And it is. It’s the very heart of God. His very identity. But during our times of fasting, maybe we can start small. Seek opportunities to go and make things right with your family member or friend. Apologize and ask for forgiveness. Give the gift of forgiveness to the person who hurt you and has been avoiding you. Maybe even go out of your way to bless them when they really don’t “deserve” it. Bring a meal to a family who is struggling to buy groceries. Offer to take something off your employee’s plate. In doing such things, chains can be broken. Shalom can happen. His Kingdom can come… here on earth at it is in heaven. 

I’d like to encourage you all to join me in taking UP something this season.  Don’t just GIVE up something as we fast and meditate. Let’s TAKE up something and see How he will move!


Great perspective Mandy.
I love your blog ! It shows the true heart of fasting

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