Advent Reflection: El Roi, The God Who Sees You


She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” - Genesis 16:13


Have you ever wondered if anyone out there truly sees you?  I don’t mean just to look at you- I mean truly sees you?  Not just simply that you exist, or that you’re a mom or a dad, or a child or a great friend or coworker.  Not even seeing the million things you do or don’t get done in a day, or the awesome way you juggle all those things.  

I mean, it’s definitely nice and feels great when those things get noticed.  And maybe someone has not only noticed but has personally gone out of their way to thank you or to encourage you.  Or maybe someone has noticed that you are going through something and you’re struggling.  And they’ve let you know they’re praying for you.  That’s amazing, and absolutely meaningful. I am so thankful for the body of Christ and the friendships that He has given me. And all the people lifting me up in prayer in every season of life.  I can’t imagine it any other way!   

But at the end of the day… or when and if we take some time to slow down and it’s quiet… Have you ever felt alone?  Like no one really truly, deeply understands what you’re going through, or who you really are?  If we’re honest, I believe our greatest desire, way deep down in there, is to be truly and deeply known.  To be seen in a way that no one can ever really see us.  We desire to know that there is someone, anyone, who can fully know and sympathize with all that we feel and go through.  Who can understand and share our deepest thoughts, emotions and feelings.  

There is Someone.  No really!  His given name is El Roi.  The God who sees me.  It’s the only name of God that was given to Him.  The story of how He was given that name can be found in Genesis 16.  It’s amazing- take a couple minutes to read it.

I’ve been going through some stuff lately.  It’s a time of waiting and uncertainty for me.  I’m uncertain of what my circumstances will be, but I am absolutely certain that El Roi knows.  And not only does He know what the outcome will be, but He sees me and is walking through and actually feeling every moment, every emotion, every doubt, every minute of anxiety with me.  Because He knows and sympathizes with every single thing I can possibly feel (He went through it all, remember- even to death on a cross).  He says to me, “I see you, Mandy”.  It’s the most intimate thing I’ve ever experienced.  Out of all the billions of people alive, in the midst of holding all the cosmos together- I am seen by Him.  He is deeply concerned with me.  He knows everything that is happening to me and inside of me.  He loves me so much that He stops to think about me, pursues me, comforts me, climbs down into the muck with me.  The King of kings meets me where I am, looks me in the eye and sits down with me- and YOU.  He is so amazing and faithful.  I look back and can see countless times that He has seen me and has fought for me- protected me, gone after me, come alongside me- even when I was completely oblivious.  I’m having a good cry as I type this- haha!

And He sees you in the exact same way, my friend!  You and I- we are that special to Him.  We’re so special and so loved, that He willingly, without hesitation, stepped down from His throne, took on human flesh, gave up His son for you and I.  He lived a humble, hard life and then died a horrible death, betrayed by those He did all of this for.  All because He saw you. He did not go through all of that without any hesitation, just to NOT know you and NOT care deeply for you.  He did all of that because He WANTS you.  He knows you and sees you.  Even before you were formed in your mother’s womb, He knew you and saw you. (Jer. 1:5). 

And now- He sees your need (Hebrews 4:14-16).  He sees your physical needs (Matthew 6:25-34), He cares for you and wants you to cast all your anxiety and cares on Himself (1 Peter 5:7).  He knows each hair on your head (12:7), He fights for you (Deuteronomy 3:22) and He is with you and will rescue you (Jeremiah 1:8).

This Christmas season, my prayer is that you will be of good cheer- for good reason!  He is with you and will stand by you.  He has overcome and so will you!  You are never, ever alone.  You are understood and known by Him.  Allow yourself to be pursued by Him.  He won’t stop- because loves you so deeply!  He sees you.


Passed this on to Gracie. So good. Ty!
So beautiful and well said! I love that reminder :c)
So well-said, Mandy. Thank you for sharing this!
Thank you, Mandy! for reminding me of thoughts that I have had in good times and in bad... but never often enough... inspiring & timely!
Such a potent reminder. Thank you :)
Thank you for sharing, Mandy. "The God who sees me"

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