November 27, 2024
by Chris Francis
Let me state up front that I don't believe one has to be a Christian to feel thankful or to give thanks (in fact, I know non-Christians who are far more grateful in their general disposition than are certain grumpy Christians I've met).
But I do want to make the argument that Jesus-followers should be more thankful when we consider what our faith is based on: the resurrec...
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November 23, 2023
by Chris Francis
16Rejoice always,17pray continually, 18give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
We often worry about discovering God's will. Who should I marry? What town should I live in? Where should I go to college? Those are certainly important questions, but the bible is not exactly black white on them.
Scripture i...
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November 24, 2022
by Chris Francis
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
I was reading a blog post this morning about the importance of giving thanks. One scripture after another, like the one above, commanding us to give thanks. But it also made me think - indirectly - about the danger of trying to be more thankful.
Let me expl...
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July 4, 2019
And Jesus said to them, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." And they were amazed at Him.Mark 12:17
Even a casual observer of the socio-political landscape in America today cannot miss the fact of the growing rift between people on the two ends of the political spectrum. Those on the Left are drifting, or feel driven, to m...
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July 3, 2019
July 3, 2015
The below was an excerpt taken from
There has always been a "culture war" of one kind or another being waged in America. It is actually part of the design of the American Experiment and the exercise of democracy. And so there is certainly a place for Christians to participate in this exercise and advocate for our constituti...
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November 21, 2018
Doubtless, we have all heard the commonly accepted secular take on Thanksgiving. The general terminology dictates that Thanksgiving is not actually a religious holiday but, rather, an American holiday. While the second part of that is certainly true Thanksgiving commemorates an event from early American history the first part of that adage is not particularly accurate.
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January 18, 2016
In 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed the King Holiday Act, proclaiming the third Monday in January as Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The next year, he proclaimed the third Sunday in January as National Sanctity of Human Life Day.
As a result, today we honor Dr. King. Yesterday, thousands of churches across the country honored the sanctity of life. What would Martin Luth...
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November 25, 2015
by Chris Francis
The Glory of God has to do with the weight, the girth, the bigness of God. His magnificent beauty, his extraordinary might, his incredible greatness.
So to give God glory doesn't mean we have the power to make him bigger or more beautiful than he already is. It is more the idea of giving him the honor and the praise that his glory is due. It is to point at, to reflect, to...
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October 28, 2015
Once a celebration of an old Celtic tradition, Halloween is now the second most celebrated family holiday in America. Nearly 70% of Americans will participate in some form or fashion, and it's the only night of the year where the world around me actually comes to my door that of a pastor.
With that in mind, I want to share just one of the ways my family and I have deci...
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September 5, 2015
December 09, 2014
Innumerable Christmas devotionals point out the humble circumstances of Jesus' birthamong shepherds, in a crude stable, with a feed trough for a bassinet. When Jesus himself tried to summarize why people should take up the yoke of following him, he said it was because he was meek and humble (Matt. 11:29). Seldom, however, do we explore the full implicati...
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