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Just Me And Him

Prayer time is such a special part of my day. It is a necessity for me. When I allow life to take control and don't make that time with God a priority, I feel like something is missing. I begin to truly miss spending time with Him. I feel like a child whose daddy has been out of town for a day or two, then when he finally comes home, you run into his arms with such a feeli...

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Tips about Being an Intentional Ambassador

Our new Vision Statement is to be an authentic, inclusive and sending community where the grace of Jesus Christ deeply impacts every area of our ordinary lives. "Sending" is a word that was not emphasized in our original vision statement, and so I want to talk about it briefly. We talked about what it means to be a sending church in the first sermon of the month (Our Vis...

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My Upgrade

Mark 11:24 says, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." It amazes me how faithful He is to give what I ask for. It amazes me even more when He gives me what I need even when I don't ask! In my personal little thought bubble, I have been wondering if maybe Christians have been using "attacks from the...

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The Search for Community

Since the beginning of True Life, we've talked about being an authentic and honest community. Below is an excerpt from a book I'm reading - "A Loving Life" by Paul Miller - about the search for community. _____________ The biggest problem people have in searching for the perfect community is just that. You don't find community; you create it through love. Look how this t...

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Humility Before God & Humility With Others Can't Be Separated

Feburary 26, 2015 This past week in our series on Philippians we looked at verses 1-16 in chapter 2 we talked about finding Joy through humility. I just had a follow-up thought about the relationship between having humility before God and having humility before other people. It can often appear like we have one while lacking the other, but really I believe they go hand ...

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Yep, It's Gonna' Be Awkward...And That's Okay

Feb 13, 2015 One of our 7 Big Prayers for 2015 is as follows: "That God would give us love for those whose sins offend us.and also the boldness to have awkward conversations to help each other grow." I've been praying this one a lot lately - particularly the 2nd part of it -- because I've been hearing about the need for quite a bit of these awkward conversations to be in...

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Starting the Day with Awe

FEB 5, 2015 Every morning I try to have what I call "time with God." Time alone in prayer, reading the bible, reading a portion of a book, listening to God. Some times I walk away from that time filled with awe over the grandeur of God's grace, God's bigness, God's sovereignty, God's power. Some times I don't walk away with that awe. And it makes all the difference for...

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One Problem With My Sermons

April 10, 2015 There are many tensions in the bible, where it seems like we are told different things that don't necessarily contradict each other, but do push against each other. For example, we're told that God is sovereign but humans have free will; we're told that God hates sin but lovingly runs after sinners; we're told that God accepts us as we are but refuses to le...

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Learning to Trust God in Our Suffering

January 15, 2013 At our last gathering, we talked about suffering and how our prayer is that we would learn to trust God to use them for our good and for His glory. In the middle of the sermon, we showed a video clip from a message by Francis Chan. Since last Sunday, more people have commented on and asked about that video clip than the sermon (no offense taken, haha), s...

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