Yep, It's Gonna' Be Awkward...And That's Okay

Feb 13, 2015

One of our 7 Big Prayers for 2015 is as follows: "That God would give us love for those whose sins offend us….and also the boldness to have awkward conversations to help each other grow."

I've been praying this one a lot lately - particularly the 2nd part of it -- because I've been hearing about the need for quite a bit of these awkward conversations to be initiated by people within True Life. I've been hearing about people needing to ask for forgiveness, express forgiveness, or point out something in a friend's life that they could easily consider "not my problem." And so I've been praying for boldness and courage for those people and God's grace over those conversations.....and God has been delivering! Some of those awkward conversations have happened, and God has showed up in big ways. Relationships are on their way to being restored, blind spots have been confessed and repented of, and most importantly, Christ has been exalted because people trusted him by stepping into the unknown.

And so I want to encourage some of you who still need to have that awkward conversation by saying this: The fact that it's going to be awkward means it feels a bit out of your control.....and that means you are dependent on God to make good out of it....and that is a great thing because God loves to come through for us when we feel in over our heads.

So pray, jot down some thoughts, and then set up a time to talk to that family member / friend / spouse / boss / neighbor that you know God wants you to talk to.

Yep, it's gonna' be awkward. But that's okay. Because God's power "is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)