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Advent: Day 17

'And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us' John 1:14 What an awesome truth that over 2,000 years later we continue to celebrate with amazement. There is so much love wrapped up in those 9 words. Our Savior, our Creator, our Lord, chose to leave the perfection of Heaven so that He could dwell among the sinful and broken. Knowingly went to the cross to be tortured and ...

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Advent: Day 16

Take It Personally It may not be a popular thought at Christmast-time, but the very fact that Jesus came assumes something about us as individuals. It assumes we ares sinners in need of him coming. It assumes we are sinners in need of a Savior. And that need never ends. We don't pray a prayer one day in church and then have that need met once and for all. Yes, we are for...

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Advent: Day 15

One of the things I enjoy the most during the Christmas Season is the music!Not so much the silly stuff, although that can be fun if I'm baking or doing things around the house. But, if I'm driving or just sitting quietly, there's nothing like reflecting on the words to a song that draws me closer to a place of awe and worship for the One who came to give His life for me! ...

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Advent: Day 13

The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work. (I John 3:8b) Jesus appeared to destroy the devil's work the Bible tells us. What is the devil's work? 1. Spiritual death Because of sin, mankind is separated from God. His spirit is dead and disconnected from God. Jesus came to pay the price for our sins that we would be made new creations by the power...

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Advent: Day 14

Matthew 25 is about awaiting the second coming of our Savior. It starts with the parable of the ten virgins awaiting their bridegroom. We are told that the bridegroom was delayed and when he returned, five virgins were prepared having a vessel filled with oil and five had run out of oil and were unprepared. We are instructed in verse 13 "So, you too must keep watch! For yo...

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Advent: Day 12

Trading Crowns "If you wear a crown, you can't look down." DJ Holliday I have this thing about crowns. I love the sparkle and the majesty, but mostly, I love what they symbolize....authority, position power. I suppose it began with the paper tiaras on my birthday and progressed with my Miss America obsession. A young Jersey girl, sitting with her stove-top Jiffy Pop...

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Advent: Day 11

Isaiah 9:6 "For to US a child is born, to US a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. As a young girl, I was always enraptured with the "real reason for the season" at Christmas. My mom would put out a Nativity set and I would look at it, play with it and ponder...

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Advent: Day 10

Matthew 9:10-13 Later Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house. Many tax collectors and "sinners" came. They ate with Jesus and his disciples.11The Pharisees saw this. So they asked the disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?"12Jesus heard that. So he said, "Those who are healthy don't need a doctor. Sick people do. 13Go and learn what t...

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Advent: Day 9

Next week is my Gram's birthday. She will be 89 years old. She has been such an integral part of my life. One of my most vivid images of her is, and always has been, how she worships Jesus. She praises Him with her entire self, standing there with her arms raised to Him for what seems like hours. She has always done this, and never seems to get tired doing it. I would get ...

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Advent: Day 8

Each Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. He came as a baby into this world so that we could be saved from sin - from all evil, desperation, and despair. We play Christmas hymns, decorate Christmas trees, and buy lots of presents. But how often do we really stop to think about the reality of what this means for us? Do we really let ourselves think about the fa...

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