Exodus - Pt. 32: The Weight of God On Earth

December 12, 2021 Speaker: Chris Francis Series: Exodus

Exodus 40:34-38

After the people of Israel completed the building of the tabernacle, it says that God's glory filled it. God, who is omnipresent everywhere in the universe, made his presence tangible. The people could sense it, feel it. And it assured them that He was truly with them and would go before them.

That glory (weight) was later expressed in the person of Jesus Christ. And one day God will make his presence tangible in the ultimate way when Christ returns and brings heaven to earth.

Until then, God's glory is made tangible through the filling of His church by His Spirit. You and I can expect the glory of God to be felt in our souls through peace, joy, hope and other supernatural manifestations.

Ours is not a faith of mere head knowledge. God wants us to experience Him.

And he calls us to make his glory known to the ends of the Earth.