Proverbs 4: Don't Follow Your Heart - Protect It!


Above all else, guard your heart,
    for everything you do flows from it. - Proverbs 4:2

When I was younger, this verse was constanlty used in the context of dating. It certainly can - and should - apply in that arena. We must guard our hearts lest we fall in love with someone who is not healthy for us. Many of us can attest to years - if not decades - of turmoil because we didn't guard our hearts against the charm of a cute boy or pretty girl. 

But there are other ways we must guard our hearts. 

Consider greed. Jesus warned about the dangers of greed more than most other sins. He knew that once our hearts get stuck chasing more and more money, we are likely to sacrifricde our families, our health, and our souls in the process. 

Then there is envy. Once we allow our hearts to meditate on what we think we should have - and what someone else should not have - we can spiral into a constant low-grade discontentment. 

What about political idolatry? Primary season is coming up, and how quickly we can fall into the trap of idolizing --- or demonizing - specific candidates. Once we go down that path, once we become a loyal fan of anybody, it's hard to be open-minded and it's easy to get on our self-righteous pedestals, often-times mis-representing Jesus in the process. 

One more example. What about offense and bitterness? If we allow our hearts to get trapped by these monsters, even if it is just in one relationship, it will affect almost every other relationship. Maybe not directly, but these strongholds have a tendency to make us extra guarded, extra suspicous and extra prone to becoming an "expert" in knowing who is "safe" and who is not. 

We must guard our hearts because where our hearts go, our decisions - for better or worse - follow. 

But how? 

How do we guard our hearts? 

That is for the comment section. Share some feedback below as to what you think are some strategies for guarding our hearts. 


Musing on guarding your heart...and googled its meaning which lead me to an article from Christianity Today. Hence the 10 ways to protect your heart ❤️
1. Seek out (James 1:5) and retain the wisdom God is giving you (Proverbs 4:5).

2. Take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). We don’t allow our minds to wander off. Before allowing thoughts to enter our “command center,” we ensure they align with God’s Word and are healthy to our whole being. We’re not responsible for the thoughts that come to mind, but we are responsible for the thoughts we allow to enter the mind.

3. Look straight ahead, and fix your gaze directly before you. Don’t turn to the left or the right. Walk in what you know to be true (Proverbs 4:25).

4. Give careful thought to your ways (Proverbs 4:27).

5. Desire eternal treasure, not temporal, for that is where your heart will also be (Matthew 6:21).

6. Cultivate a grateful heart and tell of God’s wonderful deeds (Psalm 9:1).

7. Be content. Paul tells us godliness with contentment is great gain, warning us not to be eager for money as it has caused some people to wander from the faith and pierce themselves with many griefs (1 Timothy 6:6-12).

8. Guard your eyes. Have you heard the saying that our eyes are windows to the soul? Consider how many families have been destroyed by pornography alone, or how a glance can quickly become lust, leading to further destruction of families (Psalm 101:3).

9. Guard your ears. Everything we hear, regardless of who is saying it, needs to align with Scripture. When we choose music and podcasts with hope-filled messages, it feeds our souls and helps to guard our hearts against ungodly influences (Proverbs 18:21).

10. Hit stop on the recorder that plays on repeat in your mind. Hurtful words “recorded” in your mind from the past, either by someone else or yourself, can stop today with God’s help. The enemy seeks to destroy your life spiritually and physically, but God longs to heal your every wound and replace them with hope (Jeremiah 29:11).
Our heart is the seat of our emotions so when the Lord exposes unforgiveness I should take it immediately to Him and deal with it . Closing doors to the enemy .
Danny, I like that. Jim - good example. I can slip into that as well. Frank and Donna and Lenie - yes, the Word. Gives us God's perspective, protecting us from making too much of trivial things.
Matthew 5:29: If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off... if your eye causes you to sin gouge it out.

If HGTV causes you to envy, don't watch it. If Instagram leads you to vanity, get off it. Don't go to the gym that the girl/guy you are attracted to attends if you are married. Lol

Some practical thoughts about putting up guard rails to guard our hearts.
Its taking from the tree of life and trusting God instead of taking from the tree of good and evil on our own. Its putting on the mind of Christ. Its thinking about whatever is noble, right, pure and lovely. Its forgiveness and loving the hard to love. It's loving God with all our heart, mind and soul. Its more about what we are called to
do versus the many ways we can fall short.
Always being in the word of God. Putting the Lord first in everything we do and say. Only Jesus.
Amen to that. I find it to easy to slip into “stinkin thinkin “ if I’m not filling my mind and heart with His Word daily. The challenge is moving that perfect Wisdom from my head to my heart.
Amen to Frank M. Make the Word first and final authority in every area of life.
By being in the WORD of GOD. If I go without the WORD I start believing in the lies of my fleshly desires. Romans 12:2

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