Proverbs 14: Where Has Envy Robbed You?


"A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones." - Proverbs 14:

Envy is a focus on what we don’t have, on what we think we should have, and it ends up stealing from us. 
Seems kind of ironic. The more content we are with what we have, the more we gain in satisfaction.
The more focused we are on what we don’t have, the little satisfation we have is eroded away even more. 
In what ways has envy crept into your soul lately? Where have you found yourself jealous of someone else? 
Is it what someone else owns? The money they make? The marriage they have? How well behaved their kids are? 
Is it someone else’s personality? Status? Reputation? Their talents? Skills? Job? Education level? 
The devil can take our differences and whisper the lie that God is holding out on us. Our pride and our ego are what cause us to bite on that bait and believe that lie and give in to envy. 
And it literally rots our health, creating more stress in our bodies. 
How do we protect ourselves from envy? Any thoughts worth sharing below in the comments? 

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I alway told my children any gift they receive whether they like it or not is a gift from someone and they should always thank them and be thankful. In the same way, I feel I may not have what someone else has but every thing I have is a gift from God and I feel truly blessed for what I do have! Always count your blessings, don’t think of what you don’t have, look at what you do have and remember to thank God!

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