Our Big 3 Goals for 2019


As we strive to continue being an authentic, inclusive and sending church that serves God out of rest in Him; and as we strive to enable us to move towards being a multiplying church that:

  • Plants campuses in Monmouth and Ocean County


  • Sends out missionaries around the globe

There are three areas we are going to focus on throughout 2019:


1. From being disciples to Disciples who make Disciples

Because Jesus didn’t just call us to be disciples but to make disciples of all nations…..

And because we can’t grow into mature disciples unless we are also helping to make other disciples….

And because understanding discipleship will help us be more inclusive and loving toward non-Christians…..

Over the next year we expect to see:

- More of us mentoring others (especially men with other men)

- Those who are currently being mentored starting to mentor others

- Those who are new to the Christian faith having more confidence in helping others grow. 

- Being more inviting of those outside our faith, inviting them into our homes, into life groups, and into our Sunday gatherings 

To get there:

- We will be getting our men leaders together more often to better equip each other as well as pray about what it means to be disciples who make disciples

- We will do the same for our women leaders

- We will celebrate discipleship moments and mentoring relationships


2. Healthy Marriages

Healthy churches are built on healthy families. Healthy families are built on healthy marriages. Healthy Marriages better reflect Christ’s relationship with the church.

Therefore, in a year we expect to see:

- 5 testimonies of marriages that experienced greater intimacy and growth this year

- Significant improvement for at least 50% of the couples who started the year feeling discouraged about their marrige (We will be sending out a survey to married folks now and again at the end of the year)

To get there we want to:

- Help couples assess their relationships and identify areas of growth 

- Facilitate at least 3 marriage events / workshops led by the Dave & Laurie D’amico

- Launch at least 2 life groups focused solely on developing stronger marriages

- Point hurting couples to mentor couples for support and accountability

Continue to partner with the Wellspring Counseling center (they give discount for all True Life people)

- Partner with Jeff Borkoski’s crisis coaching for husbands / couples (he also gives a discount to True Life people)

- Host prayer nights devoted to marriages

- Provide financial assistance to couples who can't afford getting help through our marriage benevolence budget (email Nancy@truelifenj.com to request the benevolence application)


3. Leadership Development

We want to increase our church’s capacity to care for people through the expansion of life groups and ministries and care teams. 

We want to enable more people to leverage their God given talents and gifts to advance His Kingdom.

We want to actively develop and equip ‘all the saints’.

Therefore, in one year we expect to see:

- More leaders in our church helping run ministries and life groups.

- Life group leaders actively developing an apprentice leader

- Current leaders moving out of the way for new leaders

- Current leaders becoming more skilled as mentors, facilitators, developers

- Current leaders stretched to grow in more responsibilities

- Greater collaboration within and across teams and ministries

- Greater sense of ownership within our teams

- Leaders having greater authority and confidence in Christ

- More cooperation between leaders instead of being territorial

- Leaders being stretched to let go of “me” and wanting to empower others

- Everyone dealing with conflict more effectively

To get there, we want to:

- Have team building workshops:

- Appoint apprentice leaders in our life groups and our ministries

- Have a willingness to work ourselves out of a job by developing leaders who can take over

- Understand how Jesus raised up and released his disciples


Thank you for praying for our church!