Missing God


I have been finding myself feeling lonely and sad lately. I have been feeling like someone or something has been missing. I’m looking around and my family is there and friends are there. So, I’m asking myself, “What is your problem?” “Why are you so sad?” “Why are you feeling lonely?” Then it dawned on me…I was sad because I was missing God

I pray every day, but the chaos, busyness, stress of life has been distracting me from spending true time with God. My prayer time was quick prayers as I am driving Christopher to work. Or when Joe was leaving for a meeting about getting a contract to get his business going. I would pray real quickly that God would find favor. Silence and solitude was missing from my prayer time. I wasn’t being still in His presence. I was finding every excuse not to be still with God: I have a lot of work to do, I slept too late, I have to take Christopher to work or a day of errands. I even was allowing the distractions of social media or television get in the way of spending quality time one on one with God. I was even allowing serving God to distract me!

I recently went back and listened to a sermon that was part of a series that Pastor Chris did a few years back about The Problems with Prayer. In this particular sermon he talked about how in Mark 1, Jesus made it point to have silence and solitude with the Father. How the busyness of Jesus’ life drove him to the Father. I was choosing the opposite. I choose to figure this life out on my own and allow the busyness of my life to keep me from precious one on one time with my loving Father! Why do we do that?

I encourage you to choose true silence and solitude with the Father. It is ok to say no to a friend that wants to get a cup of coffee with you. Get up a little earlier if you need. It is ok to turn the phone of for a little bit. Be like Jesus and allow the chaos and busyness of life to drive you to the Lord, not shut Him out!


Love this! Thank you for sharing April! Just what I needed to hear.

i absolutely agree with you April, as I lately am finding myself doing that same thing just in a slightly different way. Allowing distractions to keep me from that quiet time. I to have alot of work to do in that aspect. I thank you very much for your blog.

How true April I am guilty of that also. It just goes to show you that an old saint like myself doesn't have it all together !

Hi April,

You might as well have been describing my life lately.

The one "saving grace" for me has been a longtime practice I have of putting aside all of Sunday from sunup to sundown, for a kind of sabbath time to spend seeking God. I take a long walk at a nearby nature reserve and talk to Him while walking through the woods. I also spend time
journaling and reading scripture when I get home.

The problem is that I do not seek him anywhere near as much during the rest of the week and even a full day spent with everything else set apart is not enough to keep me where I need to be spiritually.

So your suggestions challenged me and I think at just the right time. Thank you....


Thank you April....I love it when the only voice I hear in my head is His. Xoxo

I can relate to this. We need to be intentional and plan time for God.

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