Healing Stories From 2020

Below are healing stories that have popped up in our church community since 2020 started. 


"At church I was one of the people who came up to the front to ask for healing. I asked Dan Dornacker to pray for my eyesight in my left eye which has been diagnosed with Macular  Degeneration. I realized in late October I was starting to have some problems seeing with that eye and it got worse rather rapidly. Scary stuff for me. I wanted to tell you I went to the retina specialist Monday and he told me my eyesight has not gotten any worse and that the fluid retention is LESS! He doesn't want to see me for 3 months (I had been going weekly and bi weekly)."  - Steve Hale


Shea prayed for healing for my leg and ankle and at the time I was going to physical therapy three times a week. I also prayed that I would have the boldness to tell the people at physical therapy that I had prayed for healing, which I did. A short two weeks later I am now down to one time a week for maintenance!" - Barbara Hale



"A few Sundays ago, when Pastor Chris preached about healing and some truths about healing from the Bible, I definitely had those same questions he posed.  It's God's will to heal, but sometimes we don't see the physical healing. The Bible talks about faith-filled people being healed, but also people who expressed no faith at all being healed.  It was with those questions and points that I went up to the front to pray with people for healing, but wondering if I should even be there with questions swirling in my mind. Maria Farnsworth came to me to pray for her neck.  I confessed I had the same doubts that Pastor Chris preached about, but one thing I believed is that God can and does heal! She agreed with me, so we prayed fervently for her neck to be healed. A few days later at Life Group, Maria told the whole story of her neck pain.  It had been for months! I didn't even know that! She went to regular doctors, specialists, therapy, had shots to no avail to the pain. By the end of the service, rather than going home to rest her neck and relieve the pain, she already felt better enough to take a hurting sister out to lunch!  Then, she really pushed it - she went to her dance class Sunday night! Monday, back to babysitting her infant granddaughter and 3 year old grandson. No pain!!! She really tested God and He showed her he was pleased to heal her! Praise the Lord!" - Nanci Schiavo



"I am writing to share a testimony of God's healing in my heart regarding my attitude and anger towards my mother. See, my back story is I have been very angry and bitter towards my mother for as long as I've been alive. I've hated her and felt disgust towards her. I wouldn't even pray for her at all whatsoever. I experienced mental, emotional, and verbal abuse as a child and on into my adult-hood from my mom, and my dad was just absent emotionally and mentally during my childhood. With all that said, I carried emotional baggage around towards my mom. It affected my adulthood and marriage unbeknownst to me. I was quick to anger and quick with a come back to 'defend' myself instead of walking in love with her and with my husband, too. 

I couldn't forgive her with all my heart. I wanted prayer to see her as a child of God, not just my mother. I needed a change of heart asap.  I felt like a hypocrite of a Christ-follower. So I asked Justine to pray over me -  that I'd love my mother like God loves her. And I needed God to change me from the inside out. With all this said, I've experienced God's peace, love, and patience with my mother and it's starting to pour over into my interaction with my husband, too. I surrendered my anger and hate over to Jesus down at the alter when Justine Adams prayed over me. God is always good." - Christina Dresser


"I have not had a migraine (not even a small headache) since you prayed for me!!  I have been getting them randomly for the past couple years, they recently have been once a week and sometimes a couple in a row." - Jamie Hale


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