An Invite to a 19-year Old

One evening when I was 19 years old, I wandered into a church service that forever changed the trajectory of my life.

I was living on my own in LA and having a really hard time. I had somewhat come to the end of being my own master. Then a young couple who I barely knew invited me to their church for a Wednesday night service because they were getting baptized. And God had already been doing something on my heart, revealing to me my need to put him first, so I said yes to their invite.

But I was using public transportation at the time and my bus was late, so I missed half the service. I don't remember what the sermon was about, I was bored during the baptisms, and I didn't care for the uppity hip-hop style of music.And yet, there was something about the people there that impacted me. Something about the love they showed to me. The sincerity in their questions.

That couple who got baptized invited me to join them at a restaurant to celebrate. I didn't know anyone else there, and I don't think anyone even talked to me the whole night. But there was something about their excitement, their passion, their desire to know Jesus, that made me want to go back to another service.

It was a few weeks before I did, but I made it to a Sunday morning service. This time, the sermon hit me in a personal and powerful way. And after I talked to one of the pastors (who was also from New Jersey), I decided to make the church my church.

In time, I was an active part of this church community. I had friends who had the freedom to speak biblical truths into the circumstances of my life. I was making changes to how I lived -- not out of religious obligation but because my desires had truly changed. And most importantly, my love for Jesus Christ was growing and growing.

Eventually, I found myself taking an internship with that pastor from New Jersey, who would later hire me as his assistant and then push me into church planting.

One invitation to one church gathering was the start of so much for me and my relationship with Jesus.

What about you? 

Is there an invitation you can extend to someone in your life to one of our church gatherings at Trure Life? 

There is nothing spectacular about any one gathering of ours. You may even find them quite ordinary.

But the extraordinary God that we serve whose spirit is always at work in the people around us can use an ordinary gathering to change the trajectory of someone's life.

So invite someone to our next gathering. Invite one or two or three people.

And then pray for God to use our time together to do what only He can do. 

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