Anxiety Meds and a Healing in Process


So I feel like I'm the last possible person to be writing this email, but I also feel compelled to claim this and "pick up my mat and walk" so to speak so I'm telling you about it.

On and off I've been praying that God would heal me from my anxiety, specifically that I would be able to go off of my medication. This week I ran out of meds and for a few days now have been saying I would pick them up but keep forgetting. Yesterday morning it occurred to me that I actually feel fine without them. I've been off of them for a few days in the past and always end up feeling pretty badly but this time is different. I even called my nurse and talked to her about if I should come in and she basically said that if I feel fine off of them I could continue to not take them because I'm past the point of having to wean off of them if I've just been off cold turkey.

Obviously I care a great deal about mental health and my own journey to even getting on meds in the first place, but this morning I woke up again and it dawned on me that I might actually have been healed like I've been praying for. I just wonder, how soon is too soon to claim that you're healed from something like this? I think that question is probably from Satan/part of my own lingering anxiety anyway so I'm just going to ignore the question unless you tell me otherwise lol. Anyway, I just wanted to share and claim this healing, please be praying for me that it "sticks" haha. 

1 Comment

Rebecca that is absolutely great, you go lady you'll do great be strong and move forward. All my prayers and Lorri' s are with you and it will definitely stick.

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