Give Me An Expectant Heart (Powerful Prayers For Weak People - Pt. 9)

July 25, 2023 Speaker: Chris Francis with Roberta Omictin Series: Powerful Prayers For Weak People

Mark 8:1-9

Despite seeing Jesus do countless miracles, including watching him feed a crowd of 5,000 with a few fishes and loaves, his disciples were still skeptical when he suggested they feed another crowd of 4,000. 

Why were they not expectant even after witnessing his power on display in such powerful ways? 

And why do we too often view our problems with doubt and fear even if we have experienced God's faithfulness in the past? 

As we finish our series on Powerful Prayers For Weak People, we talk about why it's so important to have expectant hearts to even pray the prayers we talked about in this series. 

We ended the sermon with a powerful testimony from Roberta Omictin.