One Body, Many Parts


Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. The Bible describes the church as one body with many parts.  The head of the body is Christ and each member is given a different function. This portion of scripture affirms that every part is needed and of equal value. Verse 25b-27 state “All of them (the parts of the body) will take care of one another.  If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part is honored, every part shares in it’s joy. You are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it.”

That’s how a healthy body and a healthy church works.  We don’t just rely on one part (person or ministry). All of our parts (people and ministries) are working together and caring for each other.   

It is human nature to give attention to and rely on what and who we see…the visible over the invisible.  That’s what happened in the church of Corinth. 1 Corinthians 1:12 says “One of you says, I follow Paul, another I follow Apollos; another, I follow Cephas; still another, I follow Christ.”  When we rely on our church leaders too much, we begin to see them as the head of the body, instead of Christ.

I’ve been in many churches where the Pastors and counselors were heavily relied on.  Any time someone in the church had a problem, they would go directly to one of the Pastor’s or the church counselor for help.  I’m not insinuating that it’s never good to seek help from one of the Pastor’s or a church counselor. However, if that’s the main source of help within the church, it’s a clear sign that we’re looking to our Pastor’s and counselors as the head of the church instead of Christ.  When this happens, the Pastors are over functioning while the other parts in the church are barely functioning or not functioning at all.

Something I’ve noticed at True Life is the many parts of our church body functioning together and taking care of each other.  And it’s really special to observe. What’s different at True Life than I’ve experienced in other churches is seeing over and over again people within the church organically reaching out to others within the church when they are struggling with something or have a need.  Even with some pretty significant issues. We’re not automatically reaching out to one of our Pastors or immediately making an appointment for counseling. We’re offering and receiving support from each other on a consistent basis.

We as a church body are stepping up, and functioning with the gifts God’s equipped us with.  We’re working together, caring for each other and helping each other naturally. We’re functioning the way God has intended us to function.  This keeps Christ as the head, to direct us all.

I encourage us to continue to know and use the gifts God’s given us to care for each other.  I also encourage us to be good receivers of the gifts of others. It often takes courage by BOTH the giver AND the receiver.  Whatever your gift is, you’re needed in True Life. Your role isn’t more important or less important than anyone else’s role. Our church functions best when we all are using our gifts to help and support each other and our church mission.  Our culture tends to call Pastors ministers.  The truth is, every child of God is a minister.  We are all called to serve Christ, each other and the lost world that is in need of a Savior.  

1 Comment

Amen Laurie! We are all ministers of the gospel of God's grace and equal priests in His sight. The church is His body on this earth...may we reflect His glory & love to our neighbors inside and outside the church walls❤️

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