No Comparison


Comparison. Defined as “the act of looking at things to see how they are similar or different”. Our society is obsessed with it. And I really believe this is one of Satan’s greatest tools in keeping us, as believers, focused on ourselves and completely defeated.

Comparison can be a good thing. We often compare two or more different things to decide which is best.. like which local pizza place is best, which car gets the best gas mileage, which college is the best choice for us. But when it comes to our walk with Christ and our relationship with one another as family in Christ, it can do some real and lasting damage.

Earlier in the book of John, we read how Peter had previously denied any knowledge of Jesus when he was questioned by servants and soldiers on the night He was arrested. Cursing and swearing, he disavowed any connection to Jesus three different times. And then earlier in chapter 21, Peter is personally assured Jesus’ forgiveness three times. Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves Him and after he responds with a yes each time, Jesus gives him that assurance by giving him a personal response and invites him to a personal, one-on-one call... “Feed my lambs”, “Take care of my sheep”, and again “Then feed my sheep”.  And then, “Follow me”.

Then only moments later in verse 20, Peter turns around and asks Jesus “what about him, Lord?”. Jesus had just given this personal, loving reassurance to Peter that he had been forgiven, and had given him this very personal call for Peter to follow Him. Then he predicted Peter’s death as a martyr and Peter’s first response is to compare. To measure himself up to another disciple. I know... don’t we all just want to say “Ughhhh, come on Peter”? But Jesus’ response is great. He dismisses any comparison by asking him, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?”. I definitely believe Jesus used this rhetorical question to sort of gently rebuke him, but I also believe He was seriously saying that another person’s walk and personal story with God should mean nothing to him.

Christianity, our being Christ-followers, is not a competition. It is a personal, one-on-one call to follow Christ where He very personally leads us. Triumphs other believers celebrate, troubles other believers are asked to endure will not makes God’s love for us any more or less. He does not love me any more or you any less than any other Christ follower. We don’t have to fight for any larger piece of our beautiful Savior’s unlimited and very personal love. God loves us each completely and fully.

Guys, Satan LOVES the fact that we, especially in our society, love to compare ourselves with each other. Satan himself was the first to compare himself with another and look where that lead him. He was God’s most beautiful angel. His name was Lucifer, meaning “morning star/bright star”. The Bible says that he was “blameless in his ways from the day he was created”. And then... he started comparing himself with God and wanted to be greater than Him. He wanted to take over heaven and make himself “LIKE the Most High”.

When we allow the enemy to whisper thoughts and lies about how we compare to one another as believers, we open ourselves up to pride, which can lead to many dangerous things. But also, we cheat ourselves out of God’s most perfect and beautiful plan He has for each of us individually. He has created us to follow Him. He’s created His body of believers to each have their very own unique calling and gifting. We are created differently, and are used by Him differently, and for a very good and wonderful reason... to glorify Him and make Him known. How God has created someone else, or what calling He has on another’s life is not for us to worry about or compare ourselves to. He loves us each as we are and created us uniquely. His saving love is personal. He loves each one of us as if we were the only aim of His affection. God loves us so much that He personally asks us to follow Him on a unique and personal journey to grow close to Him, to receive His love and tell of this love to others. To become more like Him and to be His child. And to reign with Him eternally. Please don’t cheat yourself out of the personal walk He’s asked you to have with Him. What could be greater than that? Follow Him, keep your eyes on Him and allow Him to faithfully complete His very personal and unique work in you. You were created and called by Him personally to follow Him. God himself has made you to be only you and He wants to use you and your walk with Him for His kingdom. You are precious in His sight and He will relentlessly pursue you to a personal walk with Him. There is no comparison to that!

1 Comment

Beautiful said Mandy. Thank you for sharing. ❤

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