Jesus, The of His Time

The following is an excerpt taken from Serrene's blog: Immovable Rock. 


“To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One. (Isaiah 40:25). 

God surpasses all. There is no real comparison between the mighty works of Jesus and the achievements of Amazon, but I believe Amazon’s global reach makes it a good reference point that people can relate to.

Amazon’s Reign

Amazon is known as a corporate and retail titan. It’s hard to narrow down the one thing Amazon is good at, because Amazon’s been so effect at monetizing and dominating the markets they strategically enter. Amazon’s ecommerce business is so dominant that it accounts for almost 50% of every dollar spent online. When there are whispers that Amazon is entering a new business market, the stock market punishes Amazon’s competition with an industry wide sell off. During retail earnings conferences, analysts refer to Amazon as if it was the boogeyman of the retail industry. CEOs are always asked, “How much market share is Amazon taking from your business.”

Amazon has a diverse customer service business model which includes its ads media, digital, payments, gaming, music entertainment, and retail. The Amazon of things is built around its artificial intelligence system known as Alexa. Alexa is embedded in all of Amazon’s devices. Alexa helps you to instantly connect to Amazon’s ecosystem. Amazon’s prime subscription membership has over 100 million subscribers, and is the driving force around its ecosystem. Amazon’s ecosystem includes its fire stick, fire TV, fire tablets, and echo devices.

Some of the key words that stuck out to me when I researched the meaning of titan, are god-like, gigantic in size or power, and greatness. If people attribute god-like qualities to a corporation, then that company falls under the scrutiny of being compared to Christ. If people believe that a company can supply all of their needs, then they have no need for God.

God’s ecosystem

Before Amazon’s ecosystem was ever created, Jesus had an ecosystem of his own and it was called, “gifts of the spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). Christ’s ecosystem included, prophets, teachers, apostles, pastors, and evangelist (Ephesians 4:10-12). Amazon’s prime subscription membership boasts that it has over 100 million subscribers. The amount of Christians with a permanent subscription to heaven is uncountable (Revelations 7:9-10).  In God’s ecosystem, faith is the internet. Faith is the search engine that gives you access to miracles (Matthew 13:58) (Matthew 17:20). The device God uses to instantly connect you to Him is His Holy Spirit (Judges 14:6) (1 Samuel 10:6) (John 14:26) (Acts 2:2-4) (1 Corinthians 2:10-13). In God’s ecosystem, the Holy Spirit is embedded in every Christian (1 Corinthians 6:19) (Galatians 4:6).

The Supremacy of Christ

Colossians 1:15-17 says that, all things were created by Jesus and for Jesus, and that Jesus is the glue that holds the universe together.  In Colossians 1:18, it says that Jesus will be preeminent in all things. What that says to me is that you can’t outdo Christ. Jesus was the best healer, the best giver, and the best sharer. In the business world that also means Jesus is the best visionary, and the best businessman to ever live. In three years, Jesus created a ministry that has lasted over two thousand years. There is no business, government, monarchy, or family lineage that can boast of that type of achievement (2 Samuel 7:16) (Luke 1:33).  When Jesus said it was finished, bowed His head on the cross, and gave up His spirit (John 19:28-30), He was proclaiming to the universe that all He had accomplished was enough to stand the test of time. Jesus, looking forward into the future satisfied/defended all challenges to His throne, to His title, and to His unblemished record.

Scripture says that Jesus will have the supremacy in all things (Colossians 1:17-18), which puts Jesus’ business acumen up against the best business minds in the world. That statement also puts Jesus’ record up against the likes of Jeff Bezos, the founder, chairman, and CEO of Amazon.

God’s billboard

Research firm eMarketer says Amazon has the third largest online advertising business, with Facebook in second place, and Google in first place. God wins in the advertising category, because God has built up his advertising infrastructure and marketing platform for centuries. God publicized the coming of the Christ through various mediums since the beginning of time. God programmed humans to be His billboard. It was as if God digitized organic devices to transmit His message through text(2 Peter 1:20-21)(2 Timothy 3:16)(Revelations 1:19), audio(Acts 9:3-6) (2 Peter 1:16-17), video(Daniel 7:13-14), and graphics(Exodus 3:1-3)(1 Kings 19:11-13). The coming of the Christ was advertised by word of mouth (Genesis 3:15) (Matthew 3:16-17), by prophecy (Isaiah 53:1-8), by spirit (Luke 1:26-33) (Luke 2:8-12), and through visions (Daniel 7:13-14) (Revelations 1:9-19).


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