We Have a King!


      We have a king! He was born in the line of King David as the prophets foretold.  However, his reign would be far greater than most Jews could ever have imagined.  He would have no palace or throne but was destined for a crown of thorns.  He would not choose political power but rather the power to transform hearts and lives.  He would not rule over Israel alone but become “…a revelation to the gentiles” as well.  He would not reign for decades of time but rather eternally as the King of all kings.  We live with this certainty because he promised (Matthew 24:30-31).

Time and Eternity

     While Israel suffered under Roman occupation, they hoped for a conquering hero-king to rescue them.  But what they really needed, as did all humankind, was a Savior-King who could rescue all from the greater bondage of sin--one who reigns in their hearts for time and eternity.  Christ our Savior-King returns at the end of time to begin his eternal reign.

     Inspired by God’s Spirit the apostle Peter is given a peek into the mystery of time and eternity:

                        “With the Lord, a day is like a thousand years and a

                        thousand years as a day.” (II Peter 3:8)

Peter states this to encourage hope in those who were losing heart to remain vigilant in their faith in Christ’s return.  But when will he return?

     The uninformed and the misinformed look for signs like man-made apocalyptic events, worldwide wars and catastrophes.  But our King has clearly stated the one thing that silently triggers his return to reign over us:

                       “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a                         testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)

Christ is waiting till the gospel of salvation is proclaimed to every ethnicity and language group throughout the world.  This movement and partnership with Christ must be the incentive and motivation of every follower of Christ in every generation since his death and resurrection.  Passivity is not an option.  Your passivity and mine delays the King’s arrival.

     As we enter the new year of 2019, how will you partner with Christ and deepen your commitment to proclaim the gospel to people who are waiting to hear it for the first time?  Since you and I are so spiritually rich, what can we sacrifice to reach those who are so spiritually impoverished?

                        Will you go?

                        Will you send your children?

                        Will you give to support those who can go?

                        Will you pray?

     Ask the King, the “Lord of the harvest”, what He would have you do.  If you are not passive and seriously committed, he will tell you.  If “…a thousand years is like a day”, we have a King and He’s on the way!  Let’s band together to shorten the days of His return.


1 Comment

Hi Dick,

Like how your answer to all the "End-Times" prognosticators is Matthew 24:14! I do believe we are living near the end but the prophecy/date setting crowd can do a lot of damage (Mr. Camping being the most obvious recent example).

God bless,

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