Healing From the Offense Trap


I'm writing this email as The Offense Trap series comes to an end because, during these past few weeks, I believe I have been delivered from the trap I had been caught in for over forty years!

It happened so suddenly and miraculously , especially because I wasn't even praying for it and I certainly didn't recognize that I needed healing!

For all these years I blamed my husband for every little thing that I thought was wrong in our marriage.  Sure, I had my list of offenses dating back to the time I was a teenager when our relationship first began, but I carried that list into our marriage and just kept adding to it!

All the while I believed I was completely ,justified in my anger towards my husband , therefore allowing a deep seed of bitterness to take root in my heart!

I had definitely been feeling a restlessness in my spirit for about nine months now.  I just couldn't put my finger on it. So, as usual, I blamed my husband. After all, it couldn't be me, I thought!

But just recently, over the course of  one weekend, my heart was changed! It finally occurred to me that I had been living as if I were a victim-always focusing on my own hurts-instead of on my own character flaws!

I am an easy going person by nature.  I usually try to see the good in others and give them the benefit of the doubt if something they say or do bothers me!  But when it came to my husband I had no mercy!

I can't explain this transformation except to compare it to the way I felt when I recognized I was saved!  It's such a sense of freedom and relief and

I can honestly say that I see my husband in a way I've never seen him before!

I know people have been praying for me-but I would never have thought this would be the outcome!

One of my very favorite portions of Scripture is Eph. 3:20. " Now glory be to God, who by His mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of-infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes."

With God, all things are possible!


1 Comment

Thanks for sharing... we do have an amazing God who does awesome things.

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