God's Simple Will

I didn’t make it to service this past Sunday, but with modern technology I was able to listen to the message yesterday – ‘God’s Simple Will’. Thank God for podcasts!!

I like things simple. Recipes? I’ve got at least 8 recipe books - all with the word “Simple” in the title. But I tend to complicate things in real life! I invite guests over for dinner – for a simple meal and fellowship. And I wind up cleaning not only the bathroom, but I re-organize under the sink, re-decorate the living room, clean out the closets, etc. Can you relate? I’m so sure you can.
So listening to the message yesterday was an eye opener for me. Love. Abide. Go. Yup…that’s it. That’s God’s will for me. (and you…just sayin’)

Jesus told us to LOVE one another – didn’t ask us to, didn’t suggest it, didn’t say if it feels good to you – it was a direct command. Maybe not so easy for me at times, but then it comes down to choice, doesn’t it? I choose to follow His instruction and choose to love. The action is first, the feelings come next.

ABIDE – Jesus said in John 15:4: Abide in Me. This was right after he told us that He is the vine and we are the branches. If we don’t stay on the vine, there’s no fruit. Simple. So we abide…remain, hold to, stick to – you get the picture! Keeping it watered with His word, lest we dry up. And how many times have I been dry for lack of abiding…too many to count! But my precious Jesus never lets me go too far without a nudge to keep me from drying OUT.

Then there’s GO. The last thing he said to the disciples – right after he told them he has all authority in heaven and on earth. So comforting, so affirming, so strengthening, so empowering to us – Matt 28:19 - Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age. (Msg translation)

At first this one can seem a little tricky – I want to, but how? And then I realize Jesus said HE will be with me every step of the way – all I need to do is Love and Abide. The Go will follow! It’s as simple as that.