Response Email To Sermon on God's Whispers

The following is an email sent from Nanci Schiavo after the Sunday service, where the teaching was on Prophecy, and how God loves to speak to his chlldren. - often through each other.


Wow, guys, I was so riveted to your testimony today because I had one so similar this summer, but have hesitated to tell anyone cos it's so very hard to believe...

In Romania, we minister with Cristina and Marian Gliga...I look at them as my friends/sister/brother/children! They're 40 ish, so they fit into those categories depending on the situation. I dearly cherish them in my life as we've now known them since 2002. They are the directors or Provision Romania on the Romanian side. Marian oozes spirituality out of his pores and he speaks with such wisdom and grace that he draws all people to him - and commands such a respect in the villages and amongst all the people they minister to that it makes my heart so full when with them.

So, one Sunday afternoon, we're having a wonderful dinner with them at their home and when it comes time for the table to be cleaned off, Marian comes to sit next to me. The tone changes from laughs and stories to a serious one. He just starts telling me this - I paraphrase because I've still yet to come to terms with it - he tells me he was dreaming one night right before we arrived and then he woke up but wasn't totally in consciousness - he felt in the presence of the Lord - he knew it was the Lord speaking to him. He said this has happened to him just a few times before and it was burned in his heart that this was truly happening. The Lord told him to tell me He was very pleased with ME!!! Wth?!! The weird thing is that one minute we're laughing about some funny thing and the next Marian is telling me the Lord spoke to him about ME!! I could tell Marian wanted desperately for me to believe him, not to scoff him off, so in politeness, I did not. Then he said he felt the Lord impress on him to buy me an extravagant gift because I wouldn't believe him - yup, yeah, I was not believing him! Marian said I would have to acknowledge that I knew they were not a family of means (very true) so only an extravagant gift would convince me that this message was from God. They presented me with a very beautiful, EXPENSIVE watch - Marian told me he was not told exactly what to buy, but that he would know it when he saw it - and not to disobey God, but to trust Him. So, here's the part that got to both of us - as I was preparing my messages of love to my special girls (orphan girls who we knew from young teens from a very evil orphanage and who are now living for the Lord in Provision's care as young adult women in their 20's), God impressed upon me to talk to them about TIME! Using Ecc. 3, I told them how God brought us together so many years ago and I have loved them ever since - it was a time in life that we met...but that our time would never have to end together as long we all knew the Lord ...we would be together forever, for eternity! My gift to them? WATCHES! I had gotten them a few months before going to Romania and Marian had gotten my watch just days before we went to Romania!! I know there's no such thing as a coincidence, so I was basically speechless - continue to be other than take the time to thank them for sharing the word and the gift - and that I would need to keep coming back to it to meditate on it's meaning.

Lori, you said the man told you something you've needed to hear - that you are enough. What Marian told me was something that I think I grapple with although I thought I was winning the battle - pleasing God! I spent most of my years in church trying to please God - I've had to ask God to forgive me for teaching so many kids thru the years how things we do please or displease God - so not true - that statement, Nothing we do can make God love us more; nothing we do can make God loves us less, simple and profound. His love is the same and He delights in us.

So, after listening to Lori's testimony and connecting with it, the first song we sang was the song that Cristina and Marian told me was their new, favorite song, I am a Child of God...they played it over and over and their church even sang it in Romanian! By the time I left Romania, it was one of my favorites too! But, really, after Lori's testimony that reminded me of Romania?!!

So....can it be true?!! The God of the Universe, the Creator, the Savior, sent a message to Marian about ME?!!! I can barely utter those words because I wouldn't even want anyone to think I would deserve it - I truly don't think I do! What was that?

Thanks for reading this!!

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