Boldness on the Job

Below is an email sent to Pastor Chris by Liz Mack this past week. 


Hi Pastor Chris! I just wanted to share something with you> Yesterday during church you were talking about the fact that one of us may be the person that God wants to use in response of someone somewhere praying. You happened to mention my name, I was paying attention lol. Anyway at the very moment you said my name one of my coworkers name came instantly to mind.

I need to say that I haven't been thinking about her for any reason so I'm guessing it was God. I wasn't sure why, but I knew that when I got to work today I was going to be bold and ask to pray with her. I had no idea what I was supposed to say so I asked Linda if she would help me by praying that God send me the words, as well as praying myself.

So today I got to work and the devil was trying to talk me out of doing this, but I'm a pretty stubborn person once I have an idea so it didn't work. I asked to speak with her privately. I started by telling her that I was concerned about her, although I had no idea why. I asked her if it was ok to pray for her and she said yes, but when I asked if I could pray with her I could see she was uncomfortable so I agreed that I would just pray for her by myself. I did tell her that no matter what she was dealing with either now or in the future that God already knows the situation and the outcome. I told her she can always go to Him for peace and for comfort and that most of all He loves her deeply no matter what. I could see she was getting emotional so I decided that was enough and I hugged her and told her that I love her and I'm here for her no matter what.

Strange thing is that she isn't one of the people that I am close to at work. Well about an hour later she pulled me aside and it seems that she has been having health issues, her hemoglobin and red blood cells are critically low. She was amazed that I would even have an idea that there was a problem and told me that she was thankful that I am praying for her! She also said that the faith that I have shown while dealing with my own illness has been helping her to deal with the issues she is having. I thank God that he has been able to use me in this way. I feel extremely blessed to have found my way to True Life...."


Pretty awesome!