An Unlikely Group of Converts


From John 4:27-42

After Jesus spoke with the Samaritan woman at the well and “told her everything she ever did”, his disciples returned.  Verse 27 states that the disciples “were shocked to find Jesus talking to a woman.”  According to Rabbinical law, men were not to speak to women in public.  It was considered beneath their dignity.  The teaching of the law was reserved for men because they believed women did not have the ability to understand profound religious teachings. They would “rather burn the teachings of the law then teach them to women.  And here is Jesus, God in flesh, humbly giving this woman respect, love and deep spiritual revelation.  Ultimately leading to her knowing Jesus as her Messiah.    

Because of Jesus’ encounter with this Samaritan woman, verses 39-42 tell us that many Samaritans came to believe that Jesus was “the Savior of the world.”  Talk about a highly unlikely group of new converts!  Samaritans were known to hate the Jews.  I’m guessing the disciples would not have spoken to the Samaritan woman because of their prejudice and prideful attitudes.  And an opportunity for many new converts would have been lost. 

So here are a few questions for all of us to ask ourselves:

  1. If I’m honest with myself, who do I consider myself better than?  You may be thinking I don’t think I’m better than anyone. How about criminals, terrorists, men who beat their wives, child abusers, etc. “Thou shalt not fool thyself.”

2.    Can I recall a time when I’ve pre-judged someone (that’s what prejudice is) and was wrong?

3.    Do I treat everyone I meet with the same dignity, love and respect?

After honestly answering these questions, I suggest we take some time in prayer and ask God to speak to us about what we discovered through our answers.  Let’s ask God’s help to believe whole heartedly what He believes… that every human being is of equal value.   May He complete this work by revealing to us times when our thoughts and actions are prejudice towards others. May He awaken us to the truth and change our hearts.  Amen

1 Comment

God's love truly has no boundary. His love transcends race, class, and gender. It is always important to remember this especially concerning our relationships with others . We must be careful not to judge one another because God accepts us even with all of our own flaws and to judge another is hypocritical. We all thirst for salvation and the love of Jesus has had an affect on people from all walks of life. The Samaritans may be an unlikely group of converts. However, the fact that they acknowledge Jesus through the testimony of the woman shows that God must have prepared their hearts in some way. In present times we may label a man as wicked as a result of his past ways. Then when that man has acknowledged his error and sewed new crops. They curse his blessing. You cannot truly judge a man's harvest unless you know his seed. Although it is tough and we may say why him? Why not me? It is not up to us to question why God chooses us or those who may appear unlikely, rather we should embrace them for who they are. We should celebrate and worship with them because God saved us too. We then can focus on how we can learn from them the error of our own ways. When we trust God we allow his love to flow through us. We open up the door for love. After all that is his new testament, that we love one another. Which is why he sent his son to die for our sins. regaurdless of our worldly ways.

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