Advent: Day 4

 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”  - Luke 10:41-42

The above scripture is the story of Mary and Martha having Jesus actually visit them in their home, and how the two of them reacted very differently. Martha was very busy cleaning and , making everything perfect for Jesus, and Mary simply sat at Jesus’s feet watching, listening, and soaking it all in. Jesus tells us that Mary made the right choice which will never be taken away from her.

Many of us would love to have the opportunity to have Jesus visit our home. But how would we react if we did have that chance? Would we possibly react the same way we react now at times, by saying that we don’t have the time to get in the word or to actually set aside time dedicated just to the Lord each day, because the truth is we can invite him into our home each morning, and that is Exciting!!

Do we keep our lives so busy that we miss the chance to lay at Jesus’s feet , and listen to the things he wants to tell us, the way he wants to lead us, Are we soaking it all in? Or are we so busy that we hinder what the Holy Spirit would like to do in us and through us? Most of us would say that we want God to work in our lives, that we want Gods will, plan, and purpose for our life. The thing is …. If we don’t consult him on everything in our lives, and dedicate time just to him, reading his word, spending time in prayer (like on your knees prayer) he is unable to do all he wants to do for us and through us.

Busyness often can look like being productive and even spiritual, but all too often, busyness keeps us from what matters most, sitting at the feet of our savior and enjoying his peace!

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