Advent: Day 19


John 14:27- Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

It's really hard to imagine peace sometimes... especially now with this busy season, so many things going on, so many things we worry about, so many hard and sad things happening. But the Lord reminded me that He came and has left us with peace... His peace. Not the kind of peace this world has to offer, but His very own. And this peace is one that this world can't take away, either. It's peace in our hearts, peace that surpasses all understanding. It's not circumstantial. Jesus came and made peace between us and the Father and because of that, we can have constant peace in our hearts and souls and minds. These past 8 weeks have seriously tested me in this. Circumstances have been some of the hardest. And I definitely failed to walk in this peace quite a few times. I knew it in my head, but I didn't let it rule and reign in my heart and my soul. Until I let it. Until I knew there was no peace anyone or anything had to offer, other than His, and I embraced it and accepted it. What a difference! It was like the light drowned out the darkness and I could see again. Anyway, just something to think about if you're going through some un-peaceful circumstances right now. 


1 Comment

Thank you Mandy for your insight. Our family has been traveling many dark roads too. Disease, illness, old age, a loved ones loss of income, wayward grandchild.... Life can be very hard at times. I daily try to find that peace you speak of.... His peace... but in all honesty it most times eludes me. Just when I think I have it, something else happens. I start the day with a quiet time, reading His word, and in prayer. And I'm off to a good start... but then the day gets going and the prince of darkness begins his work to steal my peace. I so long for that peace that passes all understanding. I admit I am somewhat of a control freak, so when things don't go as I think they should or my loved ones have one issue after another my mind starts to worry and question what is going to happen next. I am reminded that it all comes down to trusting Him, and knowing that He's got it. I know I need to stop wavering in my trust... only with His help.

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