God's Glory on Display


John 9:8-17

So this guy gets healed and now what? He goes about his normal every day life only this time he can see. This single fact alone is a stark contrast to his beggar days and soon enough he gets noticed by the people in the village. It doesn't seem to imply he is running around shouting about how he has been healed and when asked what happened, he seems rather nonchalant about it all. 

When I became a Christian and went from "blind but now I see" I was four years old. Honestly, I don't even remember it. Some times I wish I had an experience where I could run around and shout about how God healed me and changed me but this story encourages me. This man had every reason to jump up and down and shout, but instead he was walking along and that alone was enough to get him noticed.  

It's tempting to feel like we need a miracle for God to be made big in our lives, but this is one of countless examples where God uses the quiet, the humble and the poor to show his great name. When asked how he received his sight he presents the experience very matter of fact. When asked about our faith experience and the gospel it's tempting to want to dress it up but there is no shame or condemnation in presenting the simple truths of salvation as they are. It's difficult to trust that God will use the mundane presentations of our every day lives for his glory but let this be a reminder that he is at work in all of it and all we have to do is follow his instructions to us. 

1 Comment

Good one Nick!

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