As Told By A Scoundrel: Why Faultfinders Can't Find Rest

October 9, 2022 Speaker: Chris Francis Series: As Told By a Scoundrel

Topic: Rest

Matthew 12:1-14

Nobody likes a faultfinder. They're always policing everyone else's behavior. They're always noticing the flaws, inadequacies and failures of others. They don't bring life into a room; they suck the life out. They don't seek to restore broken relationships; they seek to build a case against the other party. And they can't celebrate the mercy God shows others; they want justice.

But what if we all had a tendency to be like this? What if the rest Jesus came to give our souls was hindered because of our own faultfinding tendencies? On the heels of hearing Jesus invite us to come to him so we can find rest for our souls (11:28-30), Jesus is criticized by the religious leaders for not following their Sabbath rules.

Jesus responds by pointing out that their faultfinding tendencies are actually getting in the way of the what the Sabbath was always meant to be about.

True rest is not found in a day; it’s found in a person. But to come to Jesus and fully trust in the rest He offers, we must repent of our faultfinding tendencies.