Resurrection Lens - Part 6: Not In Vain (Video Version)
May 24, 2020 Speaker: Chris Francis Series: Church Gone Wild
1 Corinthians 15:50-58
Have you ever wondered if your work, your love, your sacrifice or your prayers were in vain? Pointless?
As we conclude our study of 1 Corinthians 15, we examine how the resurrection of Jesus - and the promise of our own future resurrection -- brings new meaning and purpose to our love, sacrifices, jobs, art, grand-parenting, political action and everything else.
More in Church Gone Wild
May 31, 2020
Resurrection Lens - Part 7: Power to ChangeMay 24, 2020
Resurrection Lens - Part 6: Not In Vain (Audio Version)May 17, 2020
Resurrection Lens - Part 5: Beyond Imagination (audio version)