A Resurrection Lens - Pt. 1: Simply Good News (audio version)
April 12, 2020 Speaker: Chris Francis Series: Church Gone Wild
Topic: Easter
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1 Corinthians 15:1-11
For Easter Sunday, we kicked off 40 Days (5-6 weeks) to study the resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15.
Did it actually happen in real time and space?
And if it happened, what did it mean for Israel’s story? How did it clash with the Greco-Roman worldview? And how does it often clash with our own worldviews - even those of us who are Christians.
This section of 1 Corinthians was written in response to questions that the Corinthians were asking about the resurrection.
But it was also written because every other topic Paul had written about in this letter were meant to be seen through a resurrection world-view.
Just like wearing a new pair of 3D glasses - everything else should look differently and be dealt with differently through a resurrection lens.

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