Danger # 2: Safe & Easy Believism

June 14, 2015 Speaker: Chris Francis Series: The Dangers of American Christianity

In our culture it's common to say a prayer and then claim to be a Christian, without any real desire to love and obey and follow Jesus as our Lord. It's common to treat Jesus like he's our little buddy who just wants to tag along wherever we go, cheering us on no matter what choices we make. It's common to treat our faith like an add-on to the rest of the our lives, as if Jesus is just part of our overall life portfolio. It's common to believe the right things about Jesus without really putting our weight into those beliefs. 

But Jesus doesn't call us to a safe & easy beleif system. He calls us to a radical, risk-taking faith, one where we allow Him to flip our lives completely upside down. 




More in The Dangers of American Christianity

September 6, 2015

Conclusion: Self-Reliance & Humility

August 30, 2015

Danger 11: Fellowship Without Discipleship

August 23, 2015

Danger #10: Busy, Distracted & Lazy