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It is of foremost importance to state up front that the gospel we trust in is that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost." (1 Timothy 1:15). 

In other words, being "pro-life" or being against abortion is not what saves us or makes us righteous in God's sight. There are people who are pro-life, who stand against abortion, who fight for justice for the unborn - and yet are headed to eternity without God becuase they reject Jesus Christ as their Savior. 

And there are those who have had abortions in the past but who have repented and asked God for forgivfeness, and they will be enojying union with Jesus for all eternity. 

So any discussion and any effort to stand up for the unborn must be done in humility instead of self-righteousness, grace instead of condemnation, and by offering Jesus Christ -- not morality -- as our ultimate hope.  

That said, take a loook at the below ways you can stand up for the unborn. 


1. Prayer.

We actually believe prayer changes things. It moves the hearts of legislators to change policy. It moves the hearts of the abortion-minded to choose life. It moves the hearts of doctors to take a stand for life. It moves the hearts of churches to create a culture of grace and healing instead of condemnation and shame. It moves the hearts of family members to show more support to women in crisis pregnancies. 


2. Support a local pregnancy center, like The Open Door 

Here are some ways to support The Open Door Pregnancy Center: 

  • Be a volunteer (males and females wanted)
  • Sign up to be a prayer partner
  • Give financially / go to fundraisers 
  • Help raise awareness about their existence
  • Provide material assistance to their baby boutique

Click here to learn more and to sign up. 


3. Share Your Story

Some of you have been in crisis pregnancies and have chosen life. Some of you have had abortions and have experienced God’s grace and forgiveness. 

Those stories need to be heard. Those stories need to be told. 

Women & couples in crisis pregnancies need to know God will provide where there is lack. 

They need to know God grants forgiveness and redemption for their past. 


4. Follow “NJ Right to Life”

New Jersey Right to Life is the state’s largest and most active pro-life, non-partisan organization dedicated to protecting and fostering the most basic value of our society – human life. As the premier pro-life organization in NJ, we continue to lead the effort on all public policy matters concerning the sanctity of human life at the state and federal level. We promote, uphold, and support reverence and respect for all innocent human life from conception to natural death, without regard to condition, or circumstances of conception, quality, age, race, religion, creed, or color, whether born or pre-born.” Click here to learn more. 


5. Join the “Making Life Disciples” Interest List

True Life is trying to form a group who want to lead the way in fostering a community where women & couples in crisis pregnancies receive the support, care, and listening ear they need. 

We will go through the curriculum “Making Life Disciples”, an 8-week study that will include videos and discussions. 

Email info@truelifenj.com to let us know if you would like to be put on this interest list. 



 6. Throw Parties For Unexpected Babies

Every life - whether expected or not, planned or not - is wanted and planned by God. So let's join Him in celebrating life by throwing "welcoming" parties when a new pregnancy is announced and give even MORE love and support to women who are going it alone. 


7. Foster and / or Adopt

Most women in crisis pregnancies do not see adoption as a viable option. It’s either keep their baby, or end the pregnancy. 

But the more children who are in the system are placed in loving homes where they can thrive, and the less children are “products of the system” - then the more women in crisis pregnancies will see the beauty in giving their babies up for adoption. 

And then, we pray, the more will have the courage to choose life. 



Thank you, Judy. Indeed, adopting is super important. Thanks for leading the way!
We need to raise awareness on adoption. Our children are adopted and they have been our greatest joy. There are many, but I would like to share
just 3 stupid conversations with intelligent people: 1. "Do you have any children of your own?" "These are my own." 2. I overheard this conversation when my son was a teenager: "Do you ever want to find
your REAL mother?" "My real mother is in the kitchen baking cookies for us." 3. "You are a better person than I am. I wouldn't raise a stranger's children."

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